jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007


Hi, my name is Daniela but everybody calls me Dani, I’m from Maracaibo, I live in Bella Vista, im 19 years old, I study mass comunication, I love listen music,sleep a lot, read a good book, go out with my family and friends, eat candies...I hate matematic, get up early, onion in my hamburger...My dream is have successful in my career,be an important reporter,About english Actually i think that is very important to everybody, is very interesting know obout other language,culture...I really hope enjoy and learn a lot this semester.

2 comentarios:

julio dijo...

Hi dany is Julio Acosta your clasmate, in think you are a very good person. See you soon. bye

A. Corona dijo...

Hi Daniela, Is Abraham C. I like your blog really. it's very interesting